Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
• The Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (CUJHSS, e-ISSN: 3062-0112) is an open-access, double-anonymous peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original scholarly articles, review articles, research notes, and book reviews. Manuscripts are accepted in English.
• Manuscripts submitted to the Journal should not be previously published or under review elsewhere. Submissions should be the original work of their authors and should contribute to the literature.
• All manuscripts sent for publication should meet academic writing conventions and publication ethics. The Journal commits to the internationally accepted principles of publication ethics expressed in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; The whole publication process is bounded by the provisions set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics along with the Interuniversity Board Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive. Scientific and ethical rules must be adhered to in the design, preparation, production stages of the manuscript and in the analysis of data and use of materials.
• The author(s) warrant that the article is original and not in violation of any right of privacy, common law, statutory copyright, or other personal or property rights. All submissions are subjected to originality check on iThenticate program and The content and language of manuscripts and any legal liabilities are under the sole responsibility of their authors. The author(s) warrant that there is no conflict of interest to disclose.
• Sources that contribute to an understanding of the research findings should be cited properly. Manuscripts that do not adhere to publication ethics and/or citation conventions or display any form of plagiarism are rejected. For all references to quotations from and for the ideas and concepts taken from other sources, proper citation conventions specified in the Journal guidelines (APA Style) should be used.
• If the study requires research on animals, clinical studies on humans and/or human subjects, data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques, etc. the authors are required to obtain institutional ethics committee approval. Authors should provide a clear statement explaining that necessary consent has been obtained from human subjects and that the rights of participants are respected.
Policies Regarding the Responsibilities of Editors and Reviewers
• The Editors and Reviewers assess manuscripts based solely on their scientific merit, without consideration of the authors’ ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religious beliefs, or political views.
• The editorial oversight concerning the process of reviewing is ensured by the editors and the editorial and advisory board composed of active researchers who provide guidance on editorial policies and guidelines. The Editor-in-Chief ensures there are no conflicts of interest between authors, editors, and reviewers. The editorial team has the sole authority to assign reviewers and makes the final decision on manuscript publication in the Journal. The publication of any submitted manuscript is at the discretion of the Editors. No royalties are paid to authors.
Journal’s Evaluation Process and Reviewers’ Guidelines
• All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are evaluated with a double-blind peer review process without revealing the identities of the authors and reviewers. All submissions are examined first by the Editors, and the anonymous manuscripts which meet the standards for a given discipline and the principles of COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines are sent to at least two referees for their evaluation of format and content. Editors and reviewers are entitled to evaluate the manuscript in a detailed and fair manner and are expected to comply with scientific publication conventions and be objective in their decision.
Initial Screening: The Editors evaluate submissions based on their originality and alignment with the Journal’s scope, ensuring they meet the basic criteria of the Journal. Submissions that fail to meet these standards may be returned to the authors without undergoing peer review.
Peer Review: Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are subjected to a double-blind peer review process where the identities of both authors and reviewers remain anonymous. Authors are required to exclude identifying information from the initial manuscript submission. The journal appoints field experts as peer reviewers to assess the manuscript’s scientific merit and its contribution to the existing body of literature. If the reviewers request revisions, the manuscript is returned to the author. The author is responsible for completing the revisions promptly and submitting the revised, anonymized manuscript to the Journal. When necessary, the revised manuscript is re-evaluated by the reviewers.
Reviewers’ Guidelines: All reviewers for the Journal are expected to voluntarily adhere to the international standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). For details, visit
• By accepting the Journal’s invitation for a blind review, reviewers agree to adhere to international standards for blind peer review. They are expected to maintain strict confidentiality and must not share any information or documents related to the review process with third parties. Editors must ensure the confidentiality of both the manuscripts and the reviewers’ identities.
• Reviewers must have no conflict of interest regarding the research or authors. If a reviewer identifies a conflict of interest or feels unqualified to evaluate the manuscript, they should promptly notify the editor. They must bring to the Editors’ attention any information that could warrant the rejection of the manuscript.
• Reviewers are typically given 20 days to submit their review reports. Authors are required to address the reviewers’ feedback and revise their work within the specified timeframe.
• Reviewers should offer constructive feedback aimed at improving the quality of the manuscript and ensure their comments are respectful and non-offensive.
• Reviewers may recommend no more than two rounds of revision for a manuscript. After the final revision (limited to two rounds), reviewers are responsible for evaluating the revised manuscript and making a definitive recommendation to either “accept” or “reject” the submission.
Editorial Decision: Based on the reviewers’ feedback, the Editors make an initial decision and communicate it to the authors, along with the reviewers’ comments and recommendations. If revisions are required, authors are provided with a specific timeframe to address the feedback and make the necessary changes. Following the revision, the possible final decisions include “acceptance,” “minor revision,” “rejection,” or “major revision and reevaluation” which may involve further review by the original reviewers or an additional external reviewer. Authors are given proofs of their final article for review and corrections before publication. Once the proofs are finalized, the manuscript is published online in the following issue of the Journal.
Policies Regarding Authorship, Retractions, and Post-Publication Corrections
• Authors who submit manuscripts should comply with the evaluation and review procedures set out by the COPE and are to adhere to ethical standards, rules and regulations to prevent their violations.
• All authors agree to take full responsibility for all aspects of their work, ensuring that any questions regarding the accuracy or integrity of any part of the research are thoroughly investigated and appropriately resolved. They must also adhere to the authorship guidelines relevant to their specific field of research.
• One author is assigned as Corresponding Author responsible for managing communication between the Journal and the co-authors and acts on behalf of all co-authors, ensuring that the manuscript has been reviewed and approved by all listed authors prior to submission.
• Authors accept that the Article is distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND).
• Authors may withdraw their submissions before the review process begins. While authors are permitted to review and approve their manuscripts prior to publication, any changes or corrections required after publication can only be made through the issuance of a corrigendum. The decision to make post-publication amendments lies at the discretion of the Editors. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for publishing errata or making necessary corrections.
• Provided that it is partially or fully published, the author(s) also grant that any kind of permission has been taken for the Article to be published in the Journal. If authors use any material (photograph, drawing, etc.) from other sources under copyright, they are responsible for getting the copyrights.
Çankaya Üniversitesi and its agents make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed in this publication are the views and opinions of the respective authors and not of the Editors of Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.